Php versions : Php training in chandigarh

php training in chandigarh
Learning about php version 

Friends, Today what we have PHP And his whole history is about to tell. PHP is the most popular language to be used in Internet. It can also be called a Hypertext Preprocessor. Its first name was Personal Home Page. Then it is called PHP. PHP was built in 1995 by Rasmos Lerdorf. After its development, in the third phase i.e. in 1998, its new 
name was Hypertext Preprocessor. This development was done by Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans.

This is a scripting language. Helps PHP programmer to increase the capability of the Web page. With the help of PHP you can do many things like create a username and password, create a login page, check details from any form. You can also create Forms, Picture Gallery, Surveys etc. If you come to a web page that ends in PHP, then it is 
obvious that the programmer has revived the old HTML.
PHP is a Server-sided Language. That is, PHP is a language that can not be executed on our computer. But it is executed on the computer where the Web page is requested. That is, where the page has been revised, PHP is executed on the same. After this the results are displayed in your browser and you reach. There are some more 
scripting languages ​​that use Programmer. ASP, Python, Peri are just a few more scripting languages. But you do not have to be aware of PHP for these languages.
PHP code is embedded in HTML code. In addition it can also be used in a combination of web template systems, web content management systems and web frameworks. But PHP code is implemented by PHP interpreter. PHP Interpreter powered by Zend Engine is a free software with PHP License. It is also used as a General 
Purpose Programming Language.

Learn about PHP in brief

> PHP is a Server-sided Scripting Language.
> PHP is an Interpreted Language i.e. no need to compile it.
> PHP is an Object Oriented Language.
> PHP is a Open Source Scripting Language.
> PHP is a simple language and it can be easily learned.

The history of PHP is very exciting. It was created by Rasmos Lerdorf for his personal work and then he went on evolving.
PHP's ancient history
PHP was started in 1995 by Rasmos Lerdorf. They wrote 'Common gateway interface' (CGI) Programs 'C'. He used it to create his personal home page. Then they used it in a web form and used their database. Its name is 'Personal Homepage / Form Interpreter' or PHP / IF.
It is used in the creation of simple but dynamic Web application. With the intention to improve study and code on bug reporting, they named the application as 'Personal Homepage Tools version 1.0'. The basic functionalities of the application were fixed. These functions were prevalent till 2013 
These were variables like Perl, form handling,
 the ability to embed HTML. Due to these characteristics, it has been in vogue for so long. Syntax of PHP was largely matched by Perry. But there was a lot of difference between them. But it was much simpler. The working area of ​​PHP was also very low. And it was also less consistent.
Lerdorf did not intend to make any programming language. He just kept writing the code of the next logical step with the intention of organizing his personal work and consequently a development team went up. After months of hard work and persistence with the development and testing teams,
 PHP / FI 2 was released in November 1997.
 This happened only after the beta testing. No layout or plan was created before PHP Design. Because it was only for personal work, Rasmos Lerdorf did not understand it. Because of this, the names of its functions are quite inconsistent. Its parameters are not even in the correct order. 
There was a long delay in looking for the right direction.

Writing Parser back in 1997, two individuals made Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans the basis of PHP 3. The complete name of PHP is named Hypertext Pre Processor since then. After testing, PHP 3 was formally launched in June 1998. Then both of them started their work in PHP core 
and wrote it again. During this time Zend Engine was 
produced in 1999. Both of them established Zend Technologies in Ramat Gan, Israel. With the support of Zend engine PHP itself is in its form today. Over time, the form of Zend Engine was modified several times.
PHP 4 was released from Zend Engine 1.0 and released on May 22, 2000. As of August 2008, its version has increased to 4.4.9 But now the development of PHP-4 is not done and it is not even licensed. It has been completely stopped.


PHP-5 launches on July 13, 2004. It was operated from the Language Zend Engine. There were many features in PHP-5. In the Objects Oriented Programming, there are several improvements in performance, including better support, the PHP Data Objects extension (which indicates light weight and organized interface.) After several
 improvements, in 2008, PHP-5 is the only stable version Was

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